This thesis is a comprehensive work that addresses many of the open questions currently being
discusssed in the very-high-energy (VHE) gamma-ray community. It presents a detailed
description of the MAGIC telescope together with a glimpse of the future Cherenkov Telescope
Array (CTA). One section is devoted to the design development and characterization of trigger
systems for current and future imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes. The book also features
a state-of-the-art description of pulsar wind nebula (PWN) systems the study of the multi-TeV
spectrum of the Crab nebula as well as the discovery of VHE gamma rays at the multiwavelength
PWN 3C 58 which were sought at these wavelengths for more than twenty years. It also includes
the contextualization of this discovery amongst the current population of VHE gamma-ray PWNe.
Cataclysmic variable stars represent a new source of gamma ray energies and are also addressed
here. In closing the thesis reports on the systematic search for VHE gamma-ray emissions of AE
Aquarii in a multiwavelength context and the search for VHE gamma-ray variability of novae
during outbursts at different wavelengths.