This book explores the potential benefits and disadvantages of geographical indication (GIs)
registration schemes analyzing the utility of GI registrations for the development and
promotion of regional economies both in national and international markets. The book draws on
the van Caenegem Cleary & Drahos Australian Provenance Report along with the valuable
empirical data collected in connection with it. The book situates the rural development
question in an international context presenting several case studies from Italy France and
Morocco New Zealand and Australia. The book contains various chapters focused on comparing
regulatory structures in various relevant jurisdictions and drawing on other countries'
experiences. It contains significant contributions from industry actors with extensive
experience in regional branding initiatives and GI-related policy issues. Progressive in
structure the book starts from the 'big picture' level before movingdown to the local and
concrete scale. Geographical indications of Australian products are vital both in domestic and
overseas markets by accurately representing the origin and quality of niche agricultural
products. Thus with a particular focus on Australia the book promotes the assessment of
geographical indications as potential regional assets that will help producers develop local
quality indicators that will serve as public goods for successive generations of producers.