Both historically and conceptually patriotism has been one of the foundational characteristics
that defines the very essence of one's attachment identification and loyalty to a political
community and a basic virtue associated with citizenship as a political conception of the
person. Despite its centrality in the pantheon of political ideals patriotism remains a
contested concept and an elusive virtue as well as a source of potential conflicts and
violence. The Handbook of Patriotism (the first reference work of its kind) brings together a
set of contributions by some of the leading authors on the main themes and concepts associated
with this area of scholarly research. Each chapter provides a comprehensive coverage of a
particular aspect of this complex and controversial social phenomenon. The handbook provides
a clear and authoritative exposition of key contemporary conceptions of patriotism discusses
the justification and the motivational impulses associated with patriotism and examines some
of the different ideas most commonly associated with one's attachment identification and
loyalty to a political community. At the same time it covers a number of basic concepts
associated with the 'standard' analysis of patriotism e.g. civic friendship solidarity
associative duties civic virtue loyalty pride responsibility courage etc. It also presents
some of the concepts that were previously lef outside its gravitational orbit e.g. federalism
religion taxation and the economy.