This volume comprises various viewpoints representing a Catholic perspective on contemporary
practices in medicine and biomedical research. The Roman Catholic Church has had a significant
impact upon the formulation and application of moral values and principles to a wide range of
controversial issues in bioethics. Catholic leaders theologians and bioethicists have
elucidated and marshaled arguments to support the Church¿s definitive positions on several
bioethical issues such as abortion euthanasia and reproductive cloning. Not all bioethical
issues however have been definitively addressed by Catholic authorities and some Church
teachings allow for differing applications in diverse circumstances. Moreover as new
biomedical technologies emerge Church authorities rely on experts in science medicine
philosophy theology law and other disciplines to advise them. Such experts continue to
debate issues related to reproduction genetics end-of-life care and health care policy. This
volume will be a valuable resource for scholars in bioethics or Catholic studies who will
benefit from the nuanced arguments offered based on the latest research. This volume is also
instructive for students entering the field to become aware of the founding philosophical and
theological principles informing the Catholic bioethical worldview.