This book examines the notion of identity through a multitude of interdisciplinary approaches.
It collects current thinking from international scholars spanning philosophy history science
cultural studies media translation performance and marketing each with an outlook informed
by their own subject and a mission to reflect on a theme that is greater than the sum of its
parts. This project was born out of a dynamic international and interdisciplinary pedagogical
experience. While by no means a teaching guide or textbook the authors' experience of sharing
the module with their students reinforced the fluidity and elusiveness of identity and its
persistent facility to escape disciplinary classification. Identity as a subject for analysis
and discussion and as a lived reality for all of us has never been more complex and
multi-faceted. Each chapter of this singular collection provides a lens through which the
concept of identity can be viewed and as the book progressesit moves from ideas based in
disciplinary contexts - biology psychiatry philosophy to those developed in multi and inter
disciplinary contexts such as area studies feminism and queer studies.