This book examines in detail the topic of sepsis with a focus on intra-abdominal sepsis.
Particular attention is devoted to source control in the management of the infection
antimicrobial therapy and sepsis support which represent the cornerstones of treating patients
with this problem. The importance of a multidisciplinary approach is highlighted not only by
the instructive and informative sections on the acute manifestations of appendicitis
cholecystitis and cholangitis perforations and diverticulitis Clostridium difficile
infection and the role of candida in abdominal sepsis but also by an extensive discussion of
issues including antimicrobial resistance damage control surgery principles of antimicrobial
therapy hemodynamic support adjunctive therapies and thromboprophylaxis. Abdominal sepsis is
the host's systemic inflammatory response to intra-abdominal infections. It is associated with
significant morbidity and mortality rates and represents the second most common cause of
sepsis-related mortality at intensive care units. Gathering contributions by authoritative
experts from all around the world this book will allow acute care surgeons abdominal surgeons
intensive care clinicians and students to broaden their understanding of intra-abdominal
sepsis in daily clinical practice.