This book offers a comprehensive and clinically relevant survey of adolescent gynecology.
Adolescent Gynecology: A Clinical Casebook addresses the many intersecting considerations of
gynecologic and reproductive health care for this population using a concise case-based
format. Organized in four sections the first introduces chapters on adolescent confidentiality
puberty and well care. Section II covers varied menstrual disorders while Section III
highlights issues in reproductive health care including sexually transmitted infection and
adolescent pregnancy. Finally Section IV addresses special populations of adolescents
including chapters on girls who have sex with girls girls who are victims of abuse and girls
with special health care needs and chronic health conditions. In each section common
gynecologic health issues are discussed in the context of these clinical cases provide the
knowledge needed to further improve comprehensive care of adolescent patients. Adolescent
Gynecology: A Clinical Casebook is a unique resource that delivers essential clinical
information for Adolescent Medicine and Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology fellowship trainees
as well as for medical students resident trainees and primary care practitioners who are the
front-line caregivers for adolescent girls.