This is a unique book that provides rich knowledge on how to understand and actively contribute
to urban sustainability transitions. The book combines theoretical frameworks and tools with
practical experiences on transition management as a framework that supports urban planning and
governance towards sustainability. The book offers the opportunity to become actively engaged
in working towards sustainable futures of cities. Readers of this book will be equipped to
understand the complexity of urban sustainability transitions and diagnose persistent
unsustainability problems in cities. Urban planners and professionals will build competences
for designing transition management processes in cities and engaging with multidisciplinary
knowledge in solution-seeking processes. The heart of the book marks the variety of very
different local case studies across the world - including amongst others Rotterdam in the
Netherlands La Botija in Honduras Sydney in Australia and Clevelandin the US. These rich
studies give inspiration and practical insights to young planners on how to create sustainable
urban futures in collaboration with other stakeholders.The case studies and critical
reflections on applications of transition management in cities offer food for thought and
welcome criticism. They also introduce new lenses to understand the bigger picture that
co-creation dynamics play in terms of power (dis-)empowerment legitimacy and changing actor
roles. This will equip the readers with a deep understanding of the dynamics opportunities and
challenges present in urban contexts and urban sustainability transitions.