The over-arching goal of this volume is to help infertility practitioners evaluate and manage
their patients with poor semen quality. The authors review the existing literature on the
effects of medications on male fertility and provide detailed information about what is known
giving the number of individuals and population characteristics for studies of medication
effects on male fertility. Medications are designed to treat illness and reduce symptoms but
all have undesirable adverse effects such as headache or stomach upset. Some adverse reactions
can even be life-threatening so it is no surprise that some drugs have negative effects on
male reproduction. Medical practitioners rarely consider a man's reproductive plans when
prescribing medications. Men are routinely treated with drugs that can impair or abolish
fertility.Although practitioners in the field of reproductive medicine generally realize that
certain drugs impact negatively on reproductive health there are limited resources providing
evidence-based knowledge useful in counseling patients. Tables throughout this volume summarize
the information for each drug providing a handy reference for clinical use.