Mathematical correspondence offers a rich heritage for the history of mathematics and science
as well as cultural history and other areas. It naturally covers a vast range of topics and
not only of a scientific nature it includes letters between mathematicians but also between
mathematicians and politicians publishers and men or women of culture. Wallis Leibniz the
Bernoullis D'Alembert Condorcet Lagrange Gauss Hermite Betti Cremona Poincaré and van
der Waerden are undoubtedly authors of great interest and their letters are valuable documents
but the correspondence of less well-known authors too can often make an equally important
contribution to our understanding of developments in the history of science. Mathematical
correspondences also play an important role in the editions of collected works contributing to
the reconstruction of scientific biographies as well as the genesis of scientific ideas and
in the correct dating and interpretation of scientific writings. This volume is based on the
symposium Mathematical Correspondences and Critical Editions held at the 6th International
Conference of the ESHS in Lisbon Portugal in 2014. In the context of the more than fifteen
major and minor editions of mathematical correspondences and collected works presented in
detail the volume discusses issues such as . History and prospects of past and ongoing edition
projects . Critical aspects of past editions . The complementary role of printed and digital
editions . Integral and partial editions of correspondence . Reproduction techniques for
manuscripts images and formulae and the editorial challenges and opportunities presented by
digital technology.