This book is a practical guide to downhole rock sampling and coring concepts methods systems
and procedures for practitioners and researchers. Its chapters are based upon years of
extensive studies and research about the coring methods and via direct and continuous
communication and consultation obtained from various service and operator companies such as
Baker Hughes GE NOV OMV and Sandvik. The contributors discuss the state-of-the-art coring
methods and systems (mainly used in the petroleum industry) which include: · conventional
coring · wireline continuous coring · invasion mitigation coring (low invasion gel coring
sponge coring) · jam-detection anti-jamming full closure · safe-coring and tripping ·
oriented-coring · pressure in-situ coring · logging-while-coring · motor coring ·
mini-coring · coiled Tubing Coring and · underbalanced coring. The contributors provide
practical and applicable understanding of the procedures of these coring methods and systems
as well as the specific core barrel components working mechanisms and schematics of the tools
and processes used. Because Coring Methods and Systems analyses and compares the core barrels
used in both petroleum and mining industries it enhances the communication and may allow
knowledge transfer between the two industries. As core damage is a serious issue during coring
and handling jeopardizing correct calibration of exploration data Coring Methods and Systems
has greatly focused on its identification and its mitigation. Therefore it can be used as an
ideal source for geologists core analysts and reservoir engineers to ensure the retrieval of
high-quality cores.