This Handbook examines the essential nature of the law within an educational context and asks
why there is not greater preparation for this aspect of a teacher¿s role. Principals and
teachers across the world now work in increasingly uncertain and challenging environments
involving complex legislative frameworks with their roles and responsibilities constantly
changing to meet these demands: thus it is imperative that educators adapt and acquire new
skills relating to child protection and criminal law. On a daily basis teachers and
practitioners are being challenged to critically examine and evaluate the legal rights and
obligations of various stakeholders including students parents educators and
administrators.However if these skills are not developed the implications will be
significant: particularly so if principals are deterred from pursuing innovative education
strategies due to potential litigation risks. Consequently the chapters will empower
principals and teachers in the management of these concerns. This wide-ranging handbook
including case studies from around the world will be of interest and value to both scholars of
education law and practitioners.