This second volume is the work of more than 55 authors from 15 different disciplines and
includes complex systems science which studies the viability of components and also the study
of empirical situations. As readers will discover the coviability of social and ecological
systems is based on the contradiction between humanity which adopts finalized objectives and
the biosphere which refers to a ecological functions. We see how concrete situations shed
light on the coviability¿s determinants and in this book the very nature of the coviability
presented as a concept-paradigm is defined in a transversal and ontological ways. By adopting
a systemic approach without advocating any economic dogma (such as development) or
dichotomizing between humans and nature while emphasizing what is relevant to humans and what
is not this work neutrally contextualizes man¿s place in the biosphere. It offers a new mode
of thinking and positioning of the ecological imperative and will appeal to all those working
with social and ecological systems.