This compact open access reference delves beyond popular concepts of educated consumers and an
informed public by examining the science behind deliberative engagement. Using data from four
longitudinal studies the authors assess public engagement methods in deliberative discussions
of ethical legal and social issues concerning innovations in nanotechnology. Coverage
includes the theoretical origins of the studies forms of engagement and variations used and
in-depth details on cognitive affective and social components that go into the critical
thinking process and forming of opinions. Not only are the findings intriguing in and of
themselves but researchers from varied fields will also find them useful in pursuing their own
projects. Featured in the coverage: Experimental methods and measures used in relation to
specific outcomes. Forms of deliberative engagement affecting objective and subjective
knowledge. Effects of engagement variables on attitude formation change and polarization.
Tracing the processes leading to policy acceptance and support. Study conclusions and
evaluation. Plus supplemental materials giving readers access to full study data. Since public
engagement methods are widely regarded as valuable for policy input planning purposes and
understanding societal processes Deliberative Engagement with Science stands to have a wide
audience among psychologists researchers academics and policymakers as well as
professionals in the corporate sphere and the tech industries.