This book provides an information fusion model with information fusion theory geographic
information system technology and modern mathematical methods to evaluate the risks of
groundwater inrushes from aquifers underlying coal seams. In this new model the water inrush
vulnerable index was calculated with variable weights theory. It overcomes the defect of the
traditional vulnerability index method that assumes constant weights for the factors
controlling the water inrush. Mine water inrush events often occur during coal mine
construction and production they account for a large proportion of the nation's coal mine
disasters and accidents in China. Between 2005 and 2014 513 water inrush incidents have
occurred with a total loss of 2 753 lives. As mining depths and mining intensity continue to
increase the hydrogeological conditions encountered are becoming more complex. The innovative
model presented here was applied to two coal mines in China with proved better results than the
traditional vulnerability index method.