This comparative and transnational study of landscapes in the First World War offers new
perspectives on the ways in which landscapes were idealised mobilised interpreted exploited
transformed and destroyed by the conflict. The collection focuses on four themes: environment
and climate industrial and urban landscapes cross-cultural encounters and legacies of the
war. The chapters cover Europe Russia the Middle East Africa and the US drawing on a range
of approaches including battlefield archaeology military history medical humanities
architecture literary analysis and environmental history. This volume explores the
environmental impact of the war on diverse landscapes and how landscapes shaped soldiers'
experiences at the front. It investigates how rural and urban locales were mobilised to cater
to the demands of industry and agriculture. The enduring physical scars and the role of
landscape as a crucial locus of memory and commemoration are also analysed. The chapter 'The
Long Carry: Landscapes and the Shaping of British Medical Masculinities in the First World War'
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