This edited volume compiles a set of papers that present various applications of spatial
analysis both traditional and contemporary on diverse subjects in a wide range of contexts.
The volume is dedicated to the memory of the late Professor Pavlos Kanaroglou McMaster
University Canada who greatly contributed to scientific and applied research on spatial
analysis. In his honor the book offers a selection of various spatial analysis approaches to
the study of contemporary urban transportation land use and air pollution issues. The first
part of the book discusses selected general issues in spatial analysis ontologies agent-based
modelling and accessibility analysis. The second part deals with urban transportation analysis
and modelling issues agent-based activity travel microsimulation bottleneck models public
transit use freight transport and connected automated vehicles impact assessment. Part three
focuses on integrated land use and transport analysis discussing the land value impacts of
public transport infrastructure the role of transport provision on business evolution and
commute distance considerations in urban relocation. The fourth part on travel-related air
pollution analysis presents the development of a geo-information software for mapping Aerosol
Optical Thickness in urban environments and the development of a neighborhood level real time
internet-enabled air pollution map in the Canadian urban context. This book will appeal to
academics researchers graduate students consultants and practitioners working on topics
related to spatial analysis land use and transport analysis planning and decision making and
air pollution studies.