This open access book summarizes research being pursued within the Manutelligence project the
goal of which is to help enterprises develop smart social and flexible products with high
value added services. Manutelligence has improved Product and Service Design by developing
suitable models and methods and connecting them through a modular collaborative and secure
ICT Platform. The use of real data collected in real time by Internet of Things (IoT)
technologies underpins the design of product-service systems and makes it possible to monitor
them throughout their life cycle. Available data allows costs and sustainability issues to be
more accurately measured and simulated in the form of Life Cycle Cost (LCC) and Life Cycle
Assessment (LCA). Analysing data from IoT systems and sharing LCC and LCA information via the
ICT Platform can help to accelerate the design of product-service systems reduce costs and
better understand customer needs. Industrial partners involved in Manutelligence provide a
clear overview of the project's outcomes and demonstrate how its technological solutions can
be used to improve the design of product-service systems and the management of product-service
life cycles.