This book critically examines how race is constructed globally to intersect gender class
sexuality language ability and religion and answers some very important questions like how
does anti-black racism manifest itself within various contexts? Chapters in the book use the
'Black and White paradigm' as a lens for critical race analysis examining how for example the
saliency of race and Blackness shape the 'post-colony' as well as the various 'post' colonial
nations. The paradigm centers Whiteness as the lens of defining what and what is different. The
negative portrayal of difference is anchored in the sanctity of Whiteness. It is through such
analysis that we can understand how historically colour has been a permanent marker of
differentiation even though it has not been the only one. It is through conversations and
dialogue in the classroom that the book was created given the current political shift in
American and the rise of Anti-Blackness anti-Indigeneity Islamophobia and xenophobia. The
book critically examines White supremacy racialization of gender post-racial false narratives
and other contemporary issues surrounding race.