From 13th-17th May 1991 the Centre for Applied Mathematics at the Darmstadt University of
Technology and at the University of Kaiserslautern in cooperation with the European Consortium
for Mathematics in Industry {ECMIl has organized the Workshop: Practice of Computer Aided
Gemetric Design - What CAD Systems are really capable of. Some of the most im portant software
vendors had been invited to participate in the workshop and to demonstrate their developments
in the area of free form surface technology. The following systems were presented: CATIA (IBM
Dassault) EUCLID (Matra) ICEM (CDC) SYRKO (Mercedes-Benzl STRIM (Cisigraph) UNIGRAPHICS
(McDonnel Douglas) and in addition the visualization system WAVEFRONT (mental images) was
introduced. The presentations were supposed to focus on the following topics: re presentation
of analytical curves surfaces Coons-Eace-Top-Elements multisurfs triangular patches offset
surfaces volume elements inter secting algorithms operations for combination of curves
surfaces and volumes sweeping elements fillets blending methods parametrization of data
interpolation approximation of irregular data NC data NC control (three axes five axes
milling). - Demonstrations of the systems were also given on work stations. Besides a
qUestionnaire should have given a short overview on the implementations. Beside these
presentations of software systems the participants had the opportunity to hear lectures on
developments for interfaces.