The subject of this book is a subject-specific business discussion on the paradigms of time
management. The time itself is not tradable not storable and also not purchasable to acquire.
Time cannot be heard smelled tasted or felt. Nevertheless it is omnipresent for all persons
in companies as well as in private life.This book deals with a special question for companies:
the paradigms in time management. The term paradigm was chosen in order to express the
fundamental generally prevailing and no longer to be discussed opinion on predefined questions
here the temporal arrangement in enterprises. They reflect a generally accepted consensus on
what solutions should be found for certain issues. In terms of time the paradigm is that
acceleration is the only direction underlying time management. It seems to be a kind of one-way
street. In other words ever faster means ever more successful or ever better.Three special
categories of time management and their respective paradigms are discussed in this book: The
first category considers time as a measure of efficient operational business processes. So
time has an operative value. The second category regards time as an expression of sustainable
competitive strategy and as an opportunity to take a unique position towards competitors. In
other words time has a strategic value. The third category considers time as a measure of the
demarcation and characterization of societies. This time management of all people involved in a
society does not pass our social developments by without a trace on the contrary it strongly
shapes them. Time in the meaning of a modern spirit makes a clear mark on all of us. I.e. time
has a social value.