Were newborns being abducted in the GDR? Did the state fake their deaths? Based on years of
archival research this book uncovers contradictions and questions that have not yet been
answered appealing to adoptive parents especially those in Western countries to help clarify
the matter. The book uncovers much that is highly suspicious: alleged transports of infants
under 1000 grams birth weight which were neither technically nor medically possible in 1969
ominous handwritten notes on the infants' death reports whose meaning nobody wants to explain
reports of autopsies on the bodies of babies which cannot be found in any cemetery close
contacts between the Stasi and the neonatal unit of the Rostock University Women's Hospital -
and full-time Stasi employees working unrecognised as doctors in civilian medical institutions.
Was the GDR home to a top-secret medical shadow empire? If so what were the motives for
depriving the babies and parents of each other by faking the deaths of newborns? The parents
and siblings of the vanished children have a right to learn the answers.