For me basic income should be implemented as a human right. Human rights must be an integral
part of a holistic system that also includes the environment we depend on to survive. There are
no shades or opinions in the definition of human rights. All people regardless of location
origin or appearance deserve basic human rights - food water shelter adequate education
health care and access to resources and services - to realise their highest potential. These
rights must be enshrined in the social system. An Unconditional Basic Income would guarantee
these human rights for the first time. In my book I describe for the first time a sustainable
path that could lead from a national basic income financed through taxes to a continental
introduction paid out through money creation. Furthermore I take this wonderful idea of an
unconditional basic income to its logical conclusion and for the first time bring a
comprehensive monetary system reform into the discussion. In order to one day also make
possible the basis for a worldwide implementation. From my point of view money has to serve
people and not the other way round. Moreover it is time to overcome the primitive and
inherently limited tax system and to enable a real democracy of the monetary system and