Welcome to Reimagining Art: A Coloring Book of Timeless Treasures. Within these pages you will
embark on a journey through art history like never before because this book changes the
masterworks everyone knows and quotes them.Prepare to witness the past through a contemporary
lens where traditional masterpieces are revitalized with fresh perspectives and where missing
narratives are brought to life with vibrancy and inclusivity.In this coloring book I have
endeavored to breathe new life into old masterworks infusing them with modern sensibilities
and shedding light on women.Some works are quotes and some never existed. If you want to find
out more about the works context check out the TikTok Account @hannasroth. May this coloring
book serve as a canvas for your own expression as you reimagine art and uncover the timeless
treasures that lie within.So without further ado let's get creative!Welcome to Reimagining