It all started in Nigeria...I was born in Ile-Ife Osun State Nigeria. I lived in Nigeria for
twenty-seven years beforeI moved to Canada for my master's program that turned into a PhD
program. I am a theatrepractitioner-researcher an actor cum director facilitator. I am also a
theatre manager who startedhis own theatre company in Nigeria Theatre Emissary International.
I am a communityorganizer who is interested in using the power of the arts to engender
education developmentand social transformation. I left my parents' house very early in life -
at age sixteen - because Ihave always loved adventure. The journey of self-discovery took me to
study in Jos the northcentralpart of Nigeria where I spent six years. During those years I
experienced displacement ofall sorts due to the Jos crises that lasted over eight years and
still counting. We encounteredphysical emotional and psychological displacements at different
point in time during the crisis.As an artist and a theatre practitioner I have developed
managed and led projectsthrough my theatre organization. The community projects engagements
and research I have beeninvolved in locally nationally and internationally have been
collaborative. I ensured thatcommunities were invested in the issues from the planning to the
execution phase. I facilitatedcollaborations partnered with communities agencies and other
stakeholders. Participation wasimportant and through diverse cultural art forms - dance drama
script art-making et cetera. Idesigned my research collected people's stories (data) and
developed them into stageperformances or any other art forms as the case may be.