South Africa's civil engineering industry faces a challenge: procurement processes that
prioritize the lowest bidder over qualified firms. Looking abroad successful models offer
valuable insights for reform.Many countries utilize a qualifications-based selection (QBS)
approach. Here experience expertise and past performance determine a shortlist of qualified
firms. This ensures a pool of capable candidates not just the cheapest.Another option is a
two-stage selection process. Firms initially compete based on qualifications followed by cost
proposals. This balances value for money with the expertise needed for a successful
project.Some countries embrace a best value approach. This factors in experience innovation
safety record and social responsibility alongside cost. This holistic assessment identifies
firms best suited to deliver the project's goals.Implementing these models requires a fair and
transparent evaluation process with clear criteria for each selection factor.By learning from
international models South Africa can reform its civil engineering procurement. Shifting the
focus from just price to qualifications and value will ensure the selection of the best firms
to deliver high-quality sustainable infrastructure projects.