Debates on historical and contemporary racism have recently become the subject of increasing
public interest. The Black Lives Matter movement as well as the Covid-19 pandemic have
underlined the importance and urgent necessity of examining racism in society from a
multidisciplinary angle. The many facets of racism in the past and present also challenge the
way we deal with history (historical culture) in a globalized world.Rather than focusing on the
history of ideas and its discursive development this volume will focus on the practices of
actors. It examines how and which practices especially practices of comparing are
constitutive in the construction of 'race' and manifestations of racism. This edited volume
brings together interdisciplinary contributions from history sociology political science
American studies literary studies and media studies. An important focus lies on the social
asymmetries created by racialization including inequalities and violence. The chapters
foreground historical and contemporary practices of racism and discuss their appearance in
different epochs and locations.