The Colour Atlas and Handbook of Beverage Biology is a comprehensive reference work aimed
primarily at practising beverage biologists. On the basis of numerous colour plates
microscopic enlargements and drawings a morphological differentiation of all important
beverage organisms is made possible.The various germs can be identified unambiguously in most
cases by means of the detailed description of physiological-biochemical properties and growth
characteristics. The two highly successful German language volumes already in print were
updated tailored to international requirements and combined into one in the present volume.
The most recent taxonomic findings served as a basis. The detailed description of detection
methods for all relevant microorganisms in the various beverages is also based on the latest
scientific research. By presenting and giving a detailed description of numerous original
cultures from commercial operations (cell morphology and growth characteristics) the objective
is to provide all those working in the field with a tool to help them to accurately determine
the hygienic and microbiological condition of their plant at all times and if necessary adopt
appropriate measures. In this book general microbiological tests are first set out followed
by a detailed treatment of the microbiology of breweries and wineries. The book contains
chapters on fruit juice and lemonade operations water plant hygiene dairy industry as well as
associate flora. In the annex modern detection methods methods for biological operational
control as well as processes for eliminating beverage-spoilage organisms are presented. A
comprehensive word index makes it easier for beverage biologists to use this Colour Atlas and
Handbook of Beverage Biology.