The Compendium Deep Foundation (volumes I and II) has developed in a short time into the
standard reference work in the field of deep foundation processes and machinery. The
progressive development and innovation in process technology and machinery in recent years
provided the impetus for the publication of a completely new reference book the Compendium
Deep Foundation. Part 2 of the new Compendium Deep Foundation comprehensively deals with
current processes machinery application areas and IT solutions for ground improvement. It
provides a summary of the current state of the technology and offers a comprehensive overview
of the various soil mixing processes for deep compaction as well as dynamic compaction and
rapid impact compaction. Numerous clear illustrations high-quality rendering and site photos
supplement the descriptive text and should make understanding easier for the reader. Technical
data and the application limits of deep foundation machinery round off the information needed
for the planning of deep foundation works. The Compendium Deep Foundation is the result of a
collaboration of engineers and technicians from contractors and machinery manufacturers and is
based on technical regulations current construction processes and extensive practical
experience. It is intended as an aid for planning and construction and should help pers
authorities consultants and students to extend and round off their knowledge.