The geology of Oman is spectacular - for the touristic layman and the geologist alike.
Exceptionally well exposed rocks offer a fascinating outcrop experience second to none. The
scenery is unique and often breathtaking. The Samail Ophiolite (former sea floor you can walk
on) mountain ranges of more than 3000 m altitude and deeply incised canyons with
turquoise-coloured perennial streams contrast with dry but golden sand deserts. Coastal areas
with kilometres of white beaches are waiting to be discovered. This geological guidebook has
two parts: The first provides a general introduction to the geology of Oman and enables the
reader to put the variety of geological phenomena and observations into a scientific context.
The authors emphasise describing the processes that led to the formation of Oman's rocks and
landscapes formed over millennia of Earth history. Following the introductory chapters on
archaeology climate and vegetation the geomorphological and geological aspects of Oman are
presented. The second and largest part of the guide consists of meticulous descriptions of 99
excursion points located across the northeast of the country. The challenge in Oman is to
decide where not to stop rather than the other way round. The authors therefore have
carefully selected the most interesting and important sites. The excursion points can easily be
located by their coordinates or may also be visited using the detailed roadmaps provided for
each single outcrop. A large number of colour illustrations a geological overview map an
index and a list of references complete the content of the guide. As the book is written in a
textbook style and presents the geology in a comprehensible way a broad understanding is
facilitated. Therefore this field guide not only addresses geologists but also amateurs
visitors and travellers exploring the beauty and the significance of Oman geology.