Arameans Chaldeans and Arabs in Babylonia and Palestine in the First Mill. B.C. edited by
Angelika Berlejung and Michael P. Streck comprises the papers presented at an international
workshop in the Villa Tillmanns Leipzig on 24th and 25th of June 2010. The interdisciplinary
event was part of the research projects on Space and Mobility in Mesopotamia Syria and
Palestine in the Time of the Neo-Assyrian and Neo-Babylonian Period. Organized by the
Universities of Leipzig and of Halle-Wittenberg among others the projects are part of the
Collaborative Research Center Difference and Integration (SFB 586). The resulting volume has
ist focus on the interaction between nomadic mobile and settled cultures and possible
mechanisms of inculturation. The contributors examine the material finds and written sources in
order to deepen our understanding of the history geography culture and religion of the
Aramean Chaldean and Arabian tribes.