Discourse and Practice of Bilingualism presents the results of an international sociolinguistic
project which compared bi- and multilingual situations in present-day Ukraine and Russia. The
trilateral project was funded by the Volkswagen Foundation (2016-2019) within the framework of
its funding programme Trilateral Partnerships - Cooperation Projects between Scholars and
Scientists from Ukraine Russia and Germany. This volume presents the contributions to the
project's starting conference in Gießen in 2017. The volume's contributors investigate current
language and education laws their impact on the bilingual language situations and the
discourses that are initiated and determined by the current language policy measures. The
present volume consists of an introduction to the project's methodical foundations with regard
to the analysis of language conflicts followed by five thematic sections dealing with
discourse and practice of bilingualism in Ukraine and Russia. The articles are based on broad
field work consisting of mass surveys and focus group interviews which reveal novel insights
into the current bilingual language situations in Ukraine and Russia. The book comprises both
broad overviews of the language situations and detailed insights into various spheres of the