This book is a practical guide for candidates intending to sit paper B of the European
Qualifying Examination on how to respond to an office action issued by an EPO Examiner. It also
provides a general introduction on the procedure up to grant of a European Patent and a
detailed elaboration on how to deal with paper B of the EQE. Particularly on the basis of the
actual papers B of 2017-2019 which papers are unitary papers and no longer differentiate
between the technical fields of Electricity Mechanics and Chemistry useful approaches and key
aspects for the solving of these papers are given. In addition examples are taken from papers
of a few years before 2017. These additional papers do differentiate between the fields of
Electricity Mechanics and Chemistry but already anticipate on the new single papers. The
Author: Harrie Marsman European Representative and Tutor with CEIPI - Strasbourg.