Ilmari Soisalon-Soininen (1917-2002) was a Finnish Septuagint scholar and the father of the
translation-technical method in studying the nature of translations. The present volume upholds
his work with studies related to the syntax of the Septuagint. It is impossible to describe the
syntax of the Septuagint without researching the translation technique employed by the
translators of the different biblical books the characteristics of both the Hebrew and Greek
languages need to be taken into consideration. The topics in this volume include
translation-technical methodology case studies concerning the use of the definite article
preverbs segmentation the middle voice and the translations of Hebrew stems in the
Pentateuch selected syntactical features in Isaiah and Jeremiah the connection between the
study of syntax and textual criticism especially in Judges and lexical distinction between
near-synonymous words. The volume concludes with six articles by Soisalon-Soininen originally
written in German and translated into English. These studies pertain to the use of the genitive
absolute renderings of the Hebrew construct state and the personal pronoun interchangeability
of prepositions segmentation and Hebraisms. These articles have lasting value as analyses of
significant translation-syntactic phenomena and together with Soisalon-Soininen's monographs
they crystallize his translation-technical method. The volume paves way to a description of the
syntax of the Septuagint that does justice to its nature as a translation.