Provides comprehensive coverage on using X-ray fluorescence for laboratory applications This
book focuses on the practical aspects of X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectroscopy and discusses
the requirements for a successful sample analysis such as sample preparation measurement
techniques and calibration as well as the quality of the analysis results. X-Ray Fluorescence
Spectroscopy for Laboratory Applications begins with a short overview of the physical
fundamentals of the generation of X-rays and their interaction with the sample material
followed by a presentation of the different methods of sample preparation in dependence on the
quality of the source material and the objective of the measurement. After a short description
of the different available equipment types and their respective performance the book provides
in-depth information on the choice of the optimal measurement conditions and the processing of
the measurement results. It covers instrument types for XRF acquisition and evaluation of
X-Ray spectra analytical errors analysis of homogeneous materials powders and liquids
special applications of XRF process control and automation. * An important resource for the
analytical chemist providing concrete guidelines and support for everyday analyses * Focuses
on daily laboratory work with commercially available devices * Offers a unique compilation of
knowledge and best practices from equipment manufacturers and users * Covers the entire work
process: sample preparation the actual measurement data processing assessment of uncertainty
and accuracy of the obtained results X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy for Laboratory
Applications appeals to analytical chemists analytical laboratories materials scientists
environmental chemists chemical engineers biotechnologists and pharma engineers.