A guide to the lastest industry principles for optimizing the production of solid state active
pharmaceutical ingredients Solid State Development and Processing of Pharmaceutical Molecules
is an authoritative guide that covers the entire pharmaceutical value chain. The authors?noted
experts on the topic?examine the importance of the solid state form of chemical and biological
drugs and review the development production quality control formulation and stability of
medicines. The book explores the most recent trends in the digitization and automation of the
pharmaceutical production processes that reflect the need for consistent high quality. It also
includes information on relevant regulatory and intellectual property considerations. This
resource is aimed at professionals in the pharmaceutical industry and offers an in-depth
examination of the commercially relevant issues facing developers producers and distributors
of drug substances. This important book: * Provides a guide for the effective development of
solid drug forms *' Compares different characterization methods for solid state APIs * Offers a
resource for understanding efficient production methods for solid state forms of chemical and
biological drugs * Includes information on automation process control and machine learning as
an integral part of the development and production workflows * Covers in detail the regulatory
and quality control aspects of drug development Written for medicinal chemists pharmaceutical
industry professionals pharma engineers solid state chemists chemical engineers Solid State
Development and Processing of Pharmaceutical Molecules reviews information on the solid state
of active pharmaceutical ingredients for their efficient development and production.