Process Chapters will include a summary of the conventional techniques and a more detailed
discussion of recent high-impact studies. Case Studies will describe major elements of specific
technologies prototyped by contributors companies as part of ongoing market development
efforts. An overview of the global aromatic market (manufacturers markets of BTX and
downstream functional aromatics aromatics derived from renewable sources economic
forecasts...) as well as a discussion of the impact of environmental factors on the future
aromatic chemistry economy will be provided in Part 1 followed in Part 2 by a presentation of
the BTX production processes differentiated according to the raw material used.In Part 3
recent advances in conventional aromatic reactions including alkylation acylation and
carboxylation hydrogenation reduction oxidation nitration amination sulfonation and
halogenation will be presented.The importance and growth of the biobased chemical industry
willbe discussed in Part 4.