SAC 2004 was the eleventh in a series of annual workshops on Selected Areas in Cryptography.
This was the second time that the workshop was hosted by the University of Waterloo Ontario
with previous workshops being held at Queen'sUniversityinKingston(1994 1996 1998and1999)
CarletonUniversity in Ottawa (1995 1997 and 2003) the Fields Institute in Toronto (2001) and
Memorial University of Newfoundland in St. John's (2002). The primary intent of the workshop
was to provide a relaxed atmosphere in which researchers in cryptography could present and
discuss new work on selected areas of current interest. This year's themes for SAC were: -
Design and analysis of symmetric key cryptosystems. - Primitives for symmetric key cryptography
including block and stream - phers hash functions and MAC algorithms. - E?cient
implementation of cryptographic systems in public and symmetric key cryptography. -
Cryptographic solutions for mobile (web) services. A record of 117 papers were submitted for
consideration by the program committee. After an extensive review process 25 papers were
accepted for p- sentation at the workshop (two of these papers were merged). Unfortunately
many good papers could not be accommodated this year. These proceedings contain the revised
versions of the 24 accepted papers. The revised versions were not subsequently checked for
correctness. Also we were very fortunate to have two invited speakers at SAC 2004. - Eli Biham
arranged for some breaking news in his talk on New Results on SHA-0 and SHA-1. This talk was
designated as the Sta?ord Tavares L- ture.