Thisvolumecollectsthepapersacceptedforpresentationatthe7thInternational Conferenceon Advanced
Conceptsfor IntelligentVision Systems (ACIVS 2005). TheACIVS conference was established in 1999
in Baden-Baden (Germany) as part of a large multiconference.ACIVS has maintained the tradition
of its ?rst edition of having 25-minute oral talks in a single track event even though the
number of participants has been steadily growing every year. The conference currently attracts
computer scientists from more than 20 countries mostly from Europe Australia and Japan but
also from USA Asia and the Middle East. ThoughACIVS is a conference on all areas in image
processing one of its major domains is image and video compression. A third of the selected
papers dealt with compression motion estimation moving object detection and other video
applications. This year topics related to clustering pattern recognition and biometrics
constituted another third of the conference. The last third was more related to the
fundamentals of image processing namely noise reduction ?ltering
restorationandimagesegmentation.We wouldliketothankthe invited speakers Fernando Pereira Marc
Op de Beeck and Rafael Molina for enhancing the technical program with their presentations.