Computational Science is becoming a vital part of many scienti?c investi- tions impacting
researchers and practitioners in areas ranging from aerospace andautomotiveto chemistry
electronics geosciences ?nance mathematics and physics. Due to the sheer size of many
challenges in computational science the use of supercomputing parallel processing and
sophisticated algorithms is - evitable. This volume contains the proceedings of The 2003
International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA 2003) held in M-
treal Canada in May 2003. The papers presented here re?ect the aim of the programcommittee to
bring together researchersand scientists from mathem- ics and computer science the basic
computing disciplines and researchers from various application areas who are pioneering
advanced application of compu- tional methods to sciences such as physics chemistry life
sciences engineering arts and the humanities along with software developers and vendors to
d- cuss problems and solutions in the area identify new issues and shape future directions
for research as well as help industrial users apply various advanced computational techniques.
Our outstanding invited speakers outlined the theme for the Conference
consideringsophisticatednumericalcomputationalmethods emergingcompu- tional solutions and
problems and applications pushing the bounds of advanced computing techniques and hardware.
This Conference was held as the ?rst in its series with an emphasis on C- putational Science
and the application of computational science. Interest from researchers and practitioners in
this interdisciplinary area has been overwhe- ing and we are looking forward to future events
in this Conference series.