This volume contains the proceedings of the Second International DMTF Ac- emic Alliance
Workshopon Systems and Virtualization Management:Standards and New Technologies (SVM 2008) held
in Munich Germany during October 21-22 2008. The SVM 2008 proceedings are intended for use
by students of systems and virtualization management. The reader is presumed to have a basic
knowledge of systems management technologies and standards at the level provided for example
the Common Information Model (CIM) standard for modeling m- agement resources. The student of
systems management will ?nd here material that could be included in anadvanced study
program.These proceedings should furthermoreallowstudents to acquireanappreciationofthe
breadthandvariety of systems and virtualization management research. The proceedings also
illuminate related standards and research issues - swering questions such as:what are the
implications of virtualizationfor distr- uted systems management which advances in information
models and protocols aidinmanagingvirtualization whatnewproblemswillweincur whenmanaging
virtualized systems and services and how might management itself bene?t from virtualization?
Topics related to managing distributed systems virtualization of distributed resources
servicesand workin management standardizationare also highlighted. There were 15 regular paper
submissions. These went through an active - view process with each submission reviewed by at
least three members of the Program Committee. We also sought external reviews from experts in
certain areas. All these inputs were used by the ProgramCommittee in selecting a ?nal program
with 13 regular papers.