African alleluja|Alpha and Omega|Amazing grace|Alpha und Omega|Angels by your side|Angels
watching over me|Asante sana Jesu|Awesome god|Be still and know|Bless the Lord|Blessed
are|Blessed be his name|Bread of life|Change|Come closer|Come into his presence|Come into the
house of the lord|Come let us sing|Come on into the house|Come now is the time to
worship|Create in me a clean heart|Day by day|Deep river of love|Deeper than the ocean|Dein
Wort|Der Herr segne dich|Dir dem König|Down by the riverside|Du allein|Du begeisterst mich|Du
bist heilig du bringst Heil|Du bist mein Zufluchtsort|Durch das Dunkel|Er hält die ganze Welt
in seiner Hand|Er ist erstanden|Etwas in mir|Freedom is coming|Freude|Friede sei mit euch|Geh
in Gottes Frieden|Give me love in my life|Give thanks|Gloria Hallelujah|Go down Moses|Go tell
it on the mountain|God is mercy god is love|God will bless you|Gross ist unser Gott|Grosser
Gott wir loben dich|Hab Dank von Herzen|Hallelujah|Hallelujah salvation and glory|He is
exalted|Heaven is a wonderful place|Heilig ist unser Herr|Here I am to worship|Herr dein Name
sei erhört|Herr deine Gnade|Herr öffne du mir die Augen|Herr wir beten dich an|He's got the
whole world in his hands|His spirit is here|Holy is god|Holy is the lamb|Holy spirit|Hosanna
Halleluja|How amazing you are in beauty|I believe in you god|I have just heard a song|I will be
there|Ich lobe meinen Gott von ganzem Herzen|Ich will dich anbeten|If we ever needed the lord
before|In der Gegenwart des Herrn|In the presence of the lord|In your name|In your presence|It
is christmas time|It is well with my soul|Jesus is alive|Jesus is the answer|Jesus ist die
Antwort|Jesus you are my saviour|Keiner ist wie du|King of kings|Komm näher zu mir|Komm
heiliger Geist|Komm jetzt ist die Zeit|Komm sag es allen weiter|Kommt in Gottes Naehe|Kum ba
yah|Kwaheri|Kyrie|Kyrie Eleison|Lead me guide me|Let me fly|Let us be the burning fire|Let us
break bread together|Let us sing|Let us stand|Let's sing praises|Lobe den Herrn meine
Seele|Lord hold me|Lord i lift your name on high|Lord we give you glory|Masithi amen|May the
Lord send Angels|Mein Jesus mein Retter|Mercy is falling|Mfurahini haleluya|Mighty
wind|Mungunimwema|My Jesus my saviour|My life is in your hands|Nkosi sikelel' iAfrika|Nobody
knows|Nur Gott sei die Ehre|O Wunder der Barmherzigkeit|Oh happy day|Oh good lord have
mercy|Open the door|Open the eyes of my heart|Our Father|Over my head|Peace shall be with
you|Revival|Sa itemukanga|Sanna Sannanina|Sein Geist ist jetzt hier|Selig sind|Senzenina|Shine
your light|Shout to the Lord|Singt Amen|Siyahamba|Sometimes I feel like a motherless child|Stay
with me oh lord|Stay with us oh lord|Steal away|Swing low sweet chariot|The love is the
greatest|There is none like you|Thina singo|This little light of mine|This train|Thy word|Till
we meet again|To god be the glory|Unser Vater|Uyingcwele Baba|Vater unser Vater im Himmel|Vater
ich komme jetzt zu dir|We have come to praise the lord|We shall overcome|Wenn Friede mit
Gott|What if I could|When the saints go marching in|Wie ein Strom|With sister moon|Worship
song|You are good|You are my hiding place|You give us bread|Your love is amazing