While the world of business may revolve around numbers such as production and sales figures or
profit and loss no business is possible without people. In fact all business transactions
revolve around people. And when people interact they need to communicate with one another. One
could thus postulate that in essence no business is possible without communication. That is
why an understanding of communication is critical to an understanding of business. And who
better to explain what communication is and how it functions than some of the leading experts
in the field of human communication who have contributed their expertise and knowledge to this
volume. The topics of this book range from the general to the specific and from the practical
all the way to the theoretical covering a wide spectrum of communication aspects that include
interpersonal organizational mass and mediated communication as well as communication
technology. The topics focus on the sender and the encoding as well as receivers and the
decoding of messages. Even future opportunities for communication are discussed in this volume.
The multifaceted topics of this volume reflect the broad array of communication in a variety of
business contexts.