Contents: Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk: Translation studies: Cognitive linguistics and
corpora - Marcel Thelen: Translation studies: Terminology in theory and practice - Jeanne
Dancette: Understanding translators' understanding - Kinga Klaudy: Specification and
generalisation of meaning in translation - Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk: Re-conceptualization
and the emergence of discourse meaning as a theory of translation - Wolfgang Lörscher: Form-
and sense-oriented approaches to translation revisited - Peter Newmark: Translation and culture
(dedicated now to the dear memory of a fine translation teacher and translation critic Gunilla
Anderson) - Christiane Nord: Text function and meaning in Skopos-oriented translation - Anthony
Pym: Discursive persons and the limits of translation - Mary Snell-Hornby: Word against text.
Lexical semantics and translation theory (Revisited) - Sonja Tirkkonen-Condit: Prototype
definition of translation revisited - Gideon Toury: What's the problem with 'translation
problem'? - Christiane Fellbaum: Translating with a semantic net: Matching words and concepts -
Ernst-August Gutt: Relevance: A key to quality assessment in translation - Mildred Larson:
Translating secondary functions of grammatical structure - Adrienne Lehrer: Problems in the
translation of creative neologisms - Albrecht Neubert: Translation contextualised. How
electronic text worlds are revolutionising the context of translation - Eugene Nida: Future
trends in the Bible translating - Rita Temmerman: Why special language translators need insight
into the mechanisms of metaphorical models and figurative denominations - Marcel Thelen:
Translating figurative language revisited: Towards a framework for the interpretation of the
image behind figurative language as a first step in the translation process - Anna Bednarczyk:
Intersemiotic dominant of translation - Lukasz Bogucki: The demise of voice-over? Audiovisual
translation in Poland in the 21st century - Mona Baker: Linguistics and the training of
translators and interpreters - Belinda Maia: The role of translation theory in the teaching of
general and non-literary translation - revisited.ÿ