The work of Niklas Luhmann is the most innovative and comprehensive attempt to describe modern
society. His views in turn have triggered the most intensive criticism ever in social
sciences. This book presents his extraordinarily complex theory in a step-by-step fashion and
in a way understandable for those who are not familiar with his thought. It examines his views
on politics which the author argues is the best way to demonstrate the provocative character
of his theory. The book not only facilitates the understanding of Luhmann's theory but is also
useful for getting an insight into the methodological problems of the social sciences and the
theoretical issues of modern society. Whether we agree with Luhmann or not his thoughts on
democracy legitimacy human rights and the welfare state may help us understand the society
we live in. The reader may consider his disillusioning findings as challenges that can
contribute to the solution of the problems our society faces.