Mobile Response 2008 the Second International Workshop on Mobile Infor- tion Technology for
Emergency Response aimed at a focussed exchange on how mobile information technology can be
e?ectively used to the bene?t of em- gency response. The gap between the great potential bene?t
that usable mobile IT could yield in the domain of emergency response and the speci?c design
challenges for such technologies in this particularly unforgiving domain was the foundation of
our decision to create a venue for researchers and practitioners from di?erent disciplines.
During this year's workshopthe latest approachesand technical solutions in the area of mobile
information technology for emergency response planning and execution were presented and
demonstrated. We invited participation from research industry and public rescue orga- zations
to enable an in-depth discussion of the opportunities and drawbacks of new digital technologies
for emergency response. The call for papers for the second Mobile Response workshop attracted
over 25 submissions from 11 d- ferent countries including international submissions from the
USA Brazil and Japan.AninternationalProgramCommitteewithexpertsonmobileinformation technology
emergency response and emergency response equipment selected 12 submissions for presentation
during the workshop. The program was completed by two outstanding keynote presentations and one
invited presentation on p- vailing topics of high interest to the scienti?c and practitioner