Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI) is concerned with the study of the dev- opment and
use of advanced information technologies and systems for national int- national and societal
security-related applications. The annual IEEE International Conference series on ISI was
started in 2003 and the first four meetings were held in the United States. In 2006 the
Workshop on ISI was held in Singapore in conjunction with the Pacific Asia Conference on
Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining with over 100 contributors and participants from all over
the world. PAISI 2007 was then held in Chengdu China and PAISI 2008 was held in Taiwan. These
ISI conferences have brought together academic researchers law enforcement and intel- gence
experts information technology consultants and practitioners to discuss their research and
practice related to various ISI topics including ISI data management data and text mining for
ISI applications terrorism informatics deception and intent detection terrorist and criminal
social network analysis public health and bio-security crime analysis cyber-infrastructure
protection transportation infrastructure security policy studies and evaluation and
information assurance among others. We continued the stream of ISI conferences by organizing
the 2009 Pacific Asia Workshop on ISI (PAISI 2009) in conjunction with the Pacific Asia
Conference on Knowledge Disc- ery and Data Mining (PAKDD 2009).