The present volume contains the proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Formal Aspects
in Security and Trust (FAST 2008) held in Malaga Spain October 9-10 2008. FAST is an event
a?liated with the 13th European Sym- sium on Research in Computer Security (ESORICS 2008). FAST
2008 was held under the auspices of the IFIP WG 1.7 on Foundations of Security Analysis and
Design. The 5th International Workshop on Formal Aspects in Security and Trust (FAST 2008)
aimed at continuing the successful e?ort of the previous three FAST workshop editions for
fostering the cooperation among researchers in the areas of security and trust. As computing
and network infrastructures become increasingly pervasive and as they carry increasing
economic activity society needs well-matched security and trust mechanisms. These interactions
incre- ingly span several enterprises and involve loosely structured communities of -
dividuals. Participants in these activities must control interactions with their partners based
on trust policies and business logic. Trust-based decisions - fectively determine the security
goals for shared information and for access to sensitive or valuable resources. FAST sought for
original papers focusing on formal aspects in: security and trust policy models security
protocol design and analysis formal models of trustand reputation logicsfor security andtrust
distributed trust management systems trust-basedreasoning digitalassetsprotection
dataprotection privacy and ID issues information ?ow analysis language-based security
security and trust aspects in ubiquitous computing validation analysis tools Web service
security trust privacy GRID security security risk assessment case studies.