This book contains 71 original scienti?c articles that address state-of-the-art
researchrelatedto scale space and variationalmethods for image processing and computer vision.
Topics covered in the book range from mathematical analysis of both established and new models
fast numerical methods image analysis segmentation registration surface and shape
construction and processing to real applications in medical imaging and computer vision. The
ideas of scale spaceandvariationalmethodsrelatedtopartialdi?erentialequationsarecentral
concepts. The papers re?ect the newest developments in these ?elds and also point to the latest
literature. All the papers were submitted to the Second International Conference on Scale Space
and Variational Methods in Computer Vision which took place in Voss Norway during June 1-5
2009. The papers underwent a peer review process similar to that of high-level journals in the
?eld. We thank the authors the Scienti?c Committee the Program Committee and the reviewers
for their hard work and helpful collaboration. Their contribution has been crucial for the
e?cient processing of this book and for the success of the conference.