The 8th International Workshop on Fuzzy Logic and Applications (WILF 2009) held in Palermo
(Italy) June 9-12 2009 covered topics related to theoretical and experimental areas of fuzzy
sets and systems with emphasis on di?erent applications. This eventrepresentsthe continuation
ofan established traditionof biannual interdisciplinary meetings. The previous editions of WILF
were held with an increasing number of participants in Naples (1995) Bari (1997) Genoa
(1999) Milan (2001) Naples (2003) Crema (2005) and Camogli (2007). Each event focused on
distinct main thematic areas of fuzzy logic and related applications. WILF 2009 aimed to
highlight connections and synergiesof fuzzy sets theory with nonconventional computing (e.g.
neural networks evolutionary compu- tion support vector machines molecular computing
quantum computing) and cognitivescience inordertoreachabetterunderstandingofbothnaturaland-
ti?cial complex systems as well as computing systems inspired by nature which are able to
solve complex problems. From this perspective one of the main goals of the WILF workshops is to
bring together researchers and developers from both academia and high-tech companies. WILF
2009receivedmorethan 60 paper submissionsfrom all overthe world including Algeria Belgium
Benin Brazil Canada China France Greece India Iran Italy Japan Poland Romania
Slovakia Spain and the USA. A rigorous peer-review selection process was applied to ultimately
select nearly 40 high-quality manuscripts to be published in this volume. Moreover
thevolumealsoincludespresentationsfromthreekeynotespeakers EtienneKerre(GhentUniversity
Belgium) SankarK.Pal(ISI India)andEnric Trillas (ECSC Spain).